The Delhi government stated that it had fined Rs 1.15 crore on January 2 for violating Covid-19 regulations. It also stated that the police filed 45 FIRs for violations of safety guidelines by the public.
The number of violations on New Year’s Day (January 1) was 66 and the fine was 9.9 million rupees.
Delhi reported 3,194 positive Covid cases and another death on Sunday, an increase of 17% from the previous day. The positive rate is rising-hovering around 4.59%. The surge in cases was driven by a raging variant of Sars-CoV-2 called Omicron. It has undergone severe mutations and is believed to be more resistant to existing vaccines.
The government of Arvind Kejriwal has implemented restrictions in Delhi under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) “Level 1” to prevent the surge of Omicron strains. Delhi has been listed as a “yellow alert” and all social gatherings have been banned. The cinema has been instructed to open in odd and even numbers, with a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am.
Complete news Source : Hindustan Times