The Men’s T64 High Jumper Praveen Kumar clinched a silver medal at the ongoing Tokyo Paralympics. The Delhi lad leapt a best of 2.07m to win India’s fourth high jump medal in Tokyo. Praveen Kumar started off with a clearance of 1.88m, before deciding to skip 1.93m and jumping 1.97m directly. He then cleared 2.01m in his second attempt at the height, maintained his calm to clear 2.04m in his four before trying to better his personal best at 2.07m. He fouled his first attempt at 2.07m but was the only one to clear it in his second attempt as the eventual gold medal winner Jonathan Broom Edwards did so in his final attempt, while the T44 World Record holder from Poland, Maciej Lepiato, had to settle for bronze after failing to clear. Praveen’s silver is India’s third silver in high jump at the Tokyo Paralympics and their eleventh medal overall. In the process of clinching the silver, upsetting the World Record holder, Praveen Kumar also became the youngest Indian to win a Paralympics medal.
News Source: BusinessLine