In a tragic incident, a speeding car carrying marijuana (marijuana) immersed a statue of Durga in Pathalgaon, Jashpur District, Chhattisgarh on Friday Of the believers were chopped down, killing one person and wounding more than 16 others.
It is said that two people were injured in the incident and are in critical condition. According to unconfirmed reports, residents of the Bazarpara area were carrying out an immersive parade for the statue of Goddess Durga at around 1 pm, and an SUV from the Kansabel side rushed into the parade. Even after crashing into a crowded religious procession, the two passengers of the SUV fled the scene but were caught by the locals near the farm.
The passengers of the SUV were identified as residents of Bablu Vishwakarma and Shishupal Shori in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh. When the police arrived at the scene, they found the vehicle was burning. Jaishpur told the media that the car was driven by drug dealers who transported drugs from Orissa to Madhya Pradesh, IG’s Ajay Yadav. After the incident, the situation in Pathalgaon, about 450 kilometers from the state capital Raipur, was tense.
Many locals gathered outside the pathalgaon police station and demanded action against the police who allowed the SUV to pass during the parade. The Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh Bupesh Bahr condemned the incident. “An investigation has been ordered. No one will be spared. Justice will be done to everyone. May the dead soul rest in peace. I pray for the wounded’s speedy recovery,” Bhupesh Baghel tweeted in Hindi. An official told the Hindus that an assistant deputy inspector had been suspended.
Raman Singh, former chief minister of Chhattisgarh and vice president of the State Bharatiya Janata Party , called the incident a tragedy and demanded compensation of 5 million rupees to the families of the victims who died after being run over by vehicles in Pathalgaon.. “This video is very painful. In Chhattisgarh, the drug mafia is not afraid of anyone. Will those who participate in religious demonstrations be crushed like this now? Raman Singh wrote on Twitter. “Jaishpur SP should be removed immediately.
The relatives of the deceased should be compensated 5 million rupees and the wounded should be treated immediately,” the former chief minister requested. The deceased was identified as 21-year-old Gaurav Agrawal, who lost his father in a traffic accident several years ago.
News Source : The Hindu