A day after Raveena Tandon was beaten on a Mumbai street, Kangana Ranaut offered her support. On Monday, Kangana described the encounter as “absolutely alarming” on her Instagram Stories. She stated that “those people must be reprimanded” and denounced the “road rage outbursts”.
Kangana’s message following the Raveena incident “What happened to Raveena Tandon ji is absolutely alarming; we condemn such road rage outbursts; those people must be reprimanded.” wrote Kangana Ranaut. “Had there been five or six more people in the opposite group, she would have been lynched.” They cannot continue to act in such a violent and toxic manner.”
What the Mumbai Police stated about it
stated, quoting a Mumbai Police official, that during their inquiry, the police discovered that Raveena’s automobile had not collided with anyone. A man had stated that his mother had been struck by Raveena’s car in a social media video.
He went on to say that Raveena began abusing her when she was questioned. In addition, he stated that the incident occurred as he was strolling close to the actor’s residence with his mother, sister, and niece.
The police claimed that CCTV footage from the area around the building where the event happened revealed that women were near the actor’s to you to all good car but were not struck. A group could be seen in the video accusing Raveena and her driver of abusing three ladies.
Following the event, Raveena and her driver were challenged by a group of people inside a Carter Road building. According to the official, the driver’s automobile was reversed when the event occurred. In the widely shared video, a woman bemoans the fact thatShe was beaten by Raveena and her driver, who also cut her nose.
The official stated that following the altercation, both parties went to the Khar police station and gave written declarations in which they claimed to have no complaints against one another.
In June 2024, Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon was involved in a road rage incident on Carter Road in Bandra, Mumbai. While her driver was reversing the car, a scuffle ensued, leading to a mob attacking Raveena. CCTV footage later confirmed that her car did not collide with anyone, contradicting initial claims.
Following the incident, actress Kangana Ranaut publicly condemned the attack and expressed her support for Raveena. Kangana took to her Instagram Stories, stating, “What happened to Raveena Tandon ji is absolutely alarming; had there been 5-6 more people in the opposite. group, she would have been lynched; we condemn such road rage outbursts; those people must be reprimanded. They must not get away with such violent and poisonous behaviour.”
Kangana’s prompt response highlighted the increasing concerns about public safety and the need to address violent behaviors in society. Her support for Raveena emphasized the importance of solidarity among individuals in the entertainment industry, especially when faced with such alarming situations.
The incident and the subsequent reactions sparked discussions on social media about road safety, public behavior, and the treatment of celebrities in public spaces. Many netizens echoed Kangana’s sentiments, calling for stricter actions against those responsible for such attacks.
Both actresses have been vocal about various social issues in the past, and this incident further showcased their commitment to speaking out against injustices and supporting their peers in times of need.