Rubina Dilaik’s sartorial sense of fashion always manages to make us stop and stare. The actor also believes in experimenting with different looks and attires. A day back, Rubina decked up as a warrior princess and made us drool as she looked right out of the pages of a fairytale.(Instagram/@rubinadilaik)
Rubina decked up perfectly in a white attire to match the pages of history. Rubina’s attire came in a white midriff-baring sleeveless blouse lined with golden zari details.(Instagram/@rubinadilaik)
Rubina paired the blouse with a white satin skirt detailed in pleats and a white throw tied around her waist. Rubina added more princess vibes to her look with an intricately detailed golden belt around her waist.(Instagram/@rubinadilaik)
In golden choker, golden bracelets and ivory-white knee-length shoes, Rubina aced the princess look to perfection.(Instagram/@rubinadilaik)