On Thursday, Deepika Padukone was present at a function in Mumbai. With heels and a sheer black saree, the actor looked stunning. She once more talked openly about her past struggles with depression and how she always put on a brave face for her parents when they came to visit her in Mumbai. She also said that she still acts in the same way today.
The Live Love Laugh Foundation, founded by Deepika, raises awareness of mental health issues, particularly depression, in India. The actor battled depression for a while before her mother suggested she get help from a professional.
When discussing her experiences while dealing with depression, Deepika said, “I’d start crying for no apparent reason. On some days, I didn’t want to get out of bed; instead, I chose to stay in bed because it provided an escape. I occasionally considered killing myself.”
She also revealed that she used to act normally in front of her parents, saying, “My parents currently reside in Bangalore, so whenever they came to visit me—and even now—I always put on a brave face and pretended everything was fine. You constantly want to demonstrate to your parents how fine you are.”
Ranveer Singh and Deepika are currently residing in Mumbai. They got married in 2018 and have appeared in many movies together. The two last appeared together in the sports drama, 83, as Kapil Dev and his wife Romi Bhatia.
Alongside Prabhas, Deepika is currently working on Project K. She has already begun filming for Siddharth Anand’s Pathaan, which resurrects her successful acting partnership with Shah Rukh Khan. Additionally, she has agreed to star in Siddharth’s Fighter, which will be her first collaboration with Hrithik Roshan.
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