Due to the letters containing death threats that Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan had received a few weeks ago, Salman Khan has been keeping a low profile lately. In fact, the star did not even leave his balcony over Eid this month to greet his throngs of adoring fans. According to the most recent sources, mobster Lawrence Bishnoi, who has gained notoriety for his threats and remarks against actor Salman Khan, has acknowledged to planning to murder him in 2018.
The Delhi police are currently questioning gangster Lawrence Bishnoi for the murder of Sidhu Moose Wala. Bishnoi has been revealing some startling information throughout this study.
According to sources, the criminal acknowledged that in 2018 he had assigned one of his gang members to kill Salman Khan. The gunman was using a handgun, therefore he was unable to get a clear shot. After that, the mobster reportedly spent Rs. 4 lakh on an RK Spring rifle.
Citing an authority, TOI said, “A few years ago, Salman Khan’s assassin, Sampat Nehra, a prominent member of the Bishnoi gang, travelled to Mumbai and resided there. Sampat Nehra also disclosed the gang’s plan to murder Salman Khan after he was apprehended in 2018. Sampat Nehra also had a gun that was bought specifically for this purpose seized from him.”
For those who are unaware, the Punjabi musician Sidhu Moose Wala was shot and killed in May 2022. A threat letter was sent to Salim Khan and Salman Khan a few days after the incident. “Salim Khan, Salman Khan Bahut Jald Aapka Moose Wala Hoga,” was written in the letter. Bishnoi’s involvement in the incident was confirmed by the Mumbai Police, who sprang into action. A threat letter has also been sent to Salman Khan’s attorney.
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