The Acer Predator Helios 500 (PH517-52) was launched in India on Monday. The laptop is equipped with the 11th generation Intel Core i9 and is equipped with a 120Hz mini LED display. It also has a Thunderbolt 4 port and is equipped with DTS:X Ultra sound effects. In addition, there is a pre-loaded mode to provide a customized performance experience. Acer initially launched the Predator Helios 500 (PH517-52) in the United States. This laptop is aimed at hardcore game enthusiasts and PC gamers who want to play games with high graphics requirements. Acer Predator Helios 500 (PH517-52) is equipped with a 17.3-inch 4K Mini LED display, adopts AUO AmLED technology and has a 120Hz refresh rate. Under the hood, the laptop is equipped with an overclockable 11th-generation Intel Core i9 processor (supporting clock speeds up to 5.01GHz), as well as Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 GPU (16GB GDDR6 VRAM) and 64GB DDR4 3200MHz memory. The machine also has a pair of PCIe NVMe SSDs in RAID 0 and a SATA HDD. In addition, there is also Vortex Flow technology that uses two fans, including the fifth-generation AeroBlade 3D fan. The proprietary technology is said to help redirect airflow to key components and improve performance during heavy gaming. Acer also provides its PredatorSense technology on the Predator Helios 500, which can be used to customize the light set and personalized keyboard using each of the built-in components. -key RGB backlight. The laptop also has a WASD key assembly that can be used with Acer’s MagForce key, and includes a MagTek mechanical switch that helps gamers convert regular key functions into a joystick mechanism. Allegedly, this will gradually increase the pressure on the buttons to precisely control the speed of the character/car-from the initial (0.8 mm) to the full speed of 100% (3 / 3.1 mm) actuation.
News sourse : Gadgets360