Nitanshi Goel, the actor in Laapataa Ladies, received a compliment from Kriti Sanon for a scene she improvised, which was praised by the film’s team. Nitanshi improvised a scene in Laapataa Ladies, where Phool breaks down in a public toilet, causing an emotional reaction among the audience.
Kriti Sanon praised her for the movie.
Nitanshi Nirmalai, a film actress, shared her heartfelt compliment to Kriti Sanon at an award function. Sanon expressed her admiration for Nitanshi, stating she sees a younger version of herself in her and wishes for her to work in good films. This moment was a huge moment for Nitanshi.
Concerning Laapataa Women:
Laapataa Ladies is a subversive feminist drama set in rural India in the early 2000s, starring Nitanshi and Pratibha Ranta as brides Phool and Jaya, and Sparsh Shrivastav as the groom. Laapataa Ladies, India’s official entry, failed to make the shortlist of 15 films for the final five, as announced by the Film Federation of India in September.
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