Sushant Singh Rajput’s case is still not resolved and once again sad news is coming out from the TV world. Famous TV actor Sameer Sharma has committed suicide. According to the information, 44-year-old Sameer Sharma has ended his life by hanging himself. His corpse was found hanging in the Neha CHS apartment on Ahimsa Marg in Malad West. Police had reached the spot as soon as the information was received. The forensic team has also been called. The cause of the suicide is yet to be ascertained.
Sameer Sharma has worked in famous TV serials like ‘Yeh Rishta Hai Pyar Ke’, ‘Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki’, ‘Left Right Left’, ‘Is Pyar Ko Kya Naam Doon’. The body of Sameer Sharma was found hanging on Wednesday (August 05) night at his house in Neha CHS Building on Ahimsa Marg in Malad West.
According to the Malad Police, Sameer had rented the apartment in February this year. During the night duty, the watchman of the society saw the dead body, after which he told the other people about the incident. Considering the condition of the dead body, the police suspect that the actor committed suicide a day earlier. Police have not received any suicide note from the room.
News Source: ABPNews
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