Umesh Kamat, who allegedly offered the actress a chance to play a role in a web series owned and produced by Raj Kundra, reportedly asked Sagarika to give an unclothed audition via a video call. Umesh Kamat was also arrested by the Mumbai police for uploading at least eight pornographic and obscene videos shot by Gehana Vasisth on a social media app for monetary gains.
Speaking about her unfortunate experience, Sagarika stated in February, “I am a model and I am working in the industry for 3-4 years. I have not done a lot of work. During the lockdown, certain things happened that I want to share. In August 2020, I got a call from Umesh Kamat ji who offered me a web series owned and produced by Raj Kundra. I asked him about Raj Kundra and he told me he is Shilpa Shetty’s husband.”
“He told me if I joined (the web series), I would continue to get work and I would reach great heights. So I agreed and then he told me to audition. I told him it’s COVID so how will I give the audition. So he said you can do it via video-call. When I joined the video call, he demanded that I give a nude audition. I was shocked and I refused. The video call had three people- one of whom had their face covered and ond one of them was Raj Kundra I think. I want that if he is involved in such things, he is arrested and such a racket is exposed,” she added in her statement.
Raj Kundra, on Monday, was booked under IPC sections 420 (cheating), 34 (common intention), 292 and 293 (related to obscene and indecent advertisements and displays) and under relevant sections of the IT Act and the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act.
News Source : Telgu Bulletin