Siddhanth Kapoor was recently arrested and then released on bail in a drugs consumption case. Actor has shared his first picture since the news broke out. The photo suggests that Siddhanth was returning home from Bengaluru, where he tested positive for narcotics.
Siddhanth took to his Instagram Stories in the early hours of Wednesday to share a selfie. The picture showed him with a friend on a flight, both of them had their masks on. Siddhanth shared the picture with emojis of red heart, folded hands, and evil-eye amulet.
Siddhanth Sethupadhyay and four others were detained at a five-star hotel in Bengaluru on Sunday. They were booked under sections 20A and 22B of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. All five were released on bail late on Monday.
Kollywood actor Siddhanth Kapoor has been arrested for allegedly consuming drugs. Police said that the focus of their interrogation was to find the source of the drugs. His father, Shakti Kapoor, expressed shock at the news and said, “It’s not possible”. Group Media Publications
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