Priyanka Chopra returned to work the next day after celebrating Mother’s Day by announcing the arrival of her baby girl, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. Priyanka took to Instagram Stories to post a new photo of herself in a red gown with her name printed on her reserved position on the show’s stage. She returned to film a scene for Citadel, her upcoming web series.
“Back to work #citadel @amazonstudios @abgofilms,” Priyanka captioned the photo. She’s dressed up in a beautiful crimson gown, with gentle curls in her hair and a golden neckpiece to complete the look.
Citadel is a spy series produced by the Russo Brothers and starring Priyanka Chopra and Game of Thrones actor Richard Madden. The flagship series of Citadel, starring Priyanka Chopra and Richard Gere, will premiere first. The regional series of the show will be released later. Raj and DK of The Family Man fame will direct the Indian series.
“It’s sort of an experiment in narrative,” Joe Russo said about the show in an interview with Variety. It has a flagship show, which is followed by regional shows based on the main concept. They’re two separate stories. Each of the spinoff shows is produced and created by regional talent. It’s a large community and collaboration experiment.”
Priyanka Chopra released the first photo of her newborn girl on Instagram on Sunday. “On this Mother’s Day, we can’t help but reflect on these last few months and the rollercoaster we’ve been on, which we now know, so many other people have experienced as well,” she wrote. Our beautiful child is finally home after more than 100 days in the NICU. While ours was a difficult few months, it became clearly evident in retrospect how precious and exquisite every moment is.”
She expressed gratitude to the doctors and nurses who cared for the baby, as well as her husband Nick Jonas for making her a mother. She continued, “Our next chapter is about to begin, and our baby is a true badass. Let’s get this party started, MM! Your parents adore you.”