Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn’s brother Anil Devgan (Anil Devgan) has said goodbye to this world by giving shock to everyone. Ajay Devgan himself has informed about the death of his brother through social media.
Ajay Devgan has also written a very emotional message, sharing the picture of brother Anil Devgan on his social media account. However, in this post Ajay Devgan has not revealed the reason for his brother’s death. At the same time, the reactions of fans and celebrities are getting on this post. Everyone is seen mourning his death, wishing Anil Devgan’s soul peace.
Ajay Devgan has shared a picture of brother Anil Devgan on his official Facebook and Twitter account. With this picture, he wrote- ‘I lost my brother last night. His unfortunate demise is going to break our family. ADFF and I will miss them a lot. Pray for the peace of his soul ‘. Ajay Devgan has shared information that ‘due to this epidemic, we will not be able to hold personal prayer meetings’. See the post shared by Ajay Devgan here