Bollywood producer Ritesh Sidhwani hosted a star-studded bash last Thursday to celebrate the post-wedding bash of his best friend Farhan Akhtar with Shibani Dandekar and a host of celebrities from Kareena Kapoor Khan, Malaika Arora, Deepika Padukone to childhood friends Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor and Suhana Khan joined the party. As the Tinsel Town ladies enchanted paparazzi and fans in their black outfits, we are currently hooked to Ananya’s sensuous look in a strappy black bustier dress with a sultry sweetheart neckline.
On her social media address, Ananya shared a series of photos she took before stepping forward with her graceful feet into the party. Pictures and videos that have flooded the internet since then show the diva wearing a short sleeveless gabardine dress with adjustable straps.
Made in Italy, this black mini dress highlights Ananya’s sensuality and femininity, featuring a seductive heart neckline, back zip and hook-and-eye closure. This dress features an hourglass silhouette with a blouse look and is buttoned with decorative Canneté buttons with the DG logo.
The dress is finished with a stretch-satin lining, and Ananya completes her look with a pair of black pumps from Heel & Buckle. Ananya pulled her sleek mid-bun back into a sleek high bun, donning a pair of gold twist hoop earrings from Vinge, a bunch of rings from Misho and Outhouse Jeweller, and a black tote from Lé Mini Sac.
The dress is finished with a stretch-satin lining, and Ananya completes her look with a pair of black pumps from Heel & Buckle. Ananya pulled her sleek mid-bun back into a sleek high bun, donning a pair of gold twist hoop earrings from Vinge, a bunch of rings from Misho and Outhouse Jeweller, and a black tote from Lé Mini Sac.
With a splash of bold red lipstick, Ananya boosted the glamour quotient with rosy blush and accentuated cheeks, mascara-laden lashes, golden eyeshadow, and thick brows. Ananya posed steamy for the camera and went viral on the internet, captioning the photos “dolce dolce (sic)” and accentuating them with cute emojis.
The ensemble is credited to Italian luxury fashion house, Dolce & Gabbana, that boasts of a contemporary unique design aesthetic of feminine sensuality and exotic Mediterranean characteristics with an elite celebrity following. The short sleeveless gabardine dress originally costs €1,850 or ₹1,56,556 approximately.
Complete News Source : Hindustan times