On Thursday, an Apple employee who led a colleague to publicly share the company’s alleged harassment and discrimination incident said that she had been fired.
Apple project manager Janneke Parrish said that the iPhone manufacturer notified her on Thursday that she was fired for deleting materials on the company’s device while she was under investigation by the company’s city hall for leaks to the media. She told Reuters that she denied leaks.
Parrish said that as part of the investigation, she deleted the app that contained her financial details and other personal information before giving her device to Apple. Parrish said she thought she was fired because of her activism in the workplace.
She said: “For me, this is obviously a revenge for the fact that I openly talked about the abuse by my employer, the fairness of pay, and the conditions of our workplace.”
Apple said on Friday that it will not discuss specific employee issues.
Apple has recently experienced other instances of employee riots. Last month, two Apple employees told Reuters that they had filed a lawsuit against the company with the National Labor Relations Commission. The workers accused Apple of retaliating and stopped discussing compensation issues among employees, as well as other allegations.
Apple stated that it is “firmly committed to creating and maintaining a positive and inclusive workplace” and takes “all concerns” of its employees seriously.
U.S. law protects the right of employees to discuss certain topics publicly, including working conditions, discrimination, and equal pay for equal work.
News Source : India Today