On the occasion of his wife Ankita Konwar’s birthday, Milind Soman wished her and also shared photos of the two of them posing at a height of 17,000 feet above sea level. They went to the Kongmaru La pass in Ladakh, as suggested by Milind in the caption of his special birthday post.
In addition to wearing a jacket and pants for the photos, Milind wore an Assamese gamusha. In the photos, Ankita was dressed in a yellow jacket and blue bottoms. In one of the photos, they were holding hands, while in another, Milind was sitting with his arms around her knees and Ankita Konwar was standing close.
He published the images and stated, “I was present when you celebrated your birthday yesterday, my sweetie, so I know! And what an incredible and lovely beginning to your new year at 17,000 feet above sea level. I adore you more and more every day. You are the best #staycrazy #kongmarula, may all the lovely and wonderful things you have imagined come true.” “17000 feet is even better with you,” she retorted.
Ankita previously spoke to Humans of Bombay about her initial encounter with Milind. She met him while she was mourning the unfortunate loss of her partner in the foyer of a hotel in Chennai.
She was hesitant to fall in love with him again, but she kept in touch with him, and they ended up dating for another five years. Soon after, in 2018, Milind and Ankita were wed. After having a conventional wedding in Alibaug, they exchanged vows barefoot next to a waterfall in Spain.
Milind will soon be seen in Kangana Ranaut’s ambitious film Emergency as Sam Manekshaw. In the movie that she is also directing, she portrays former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
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