Recently, Kareena Kapoor enjoyed supper with her family after revealing that she was visiting the country for a family vacation. The couple’s kids, Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan, as well as her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, attended the event. Rima Jain, Kareena’s aunt, and her cousin Armaan Jain and his wife Anissa Malhotra Jain posed for photos with the family over dinner.
Anissa uploaded a photo from the dinner on Instagram along with the emojis for the English flag and a red heart. Kareena was pictured holding her baby Jeh in her arms while wearing a casual tee and cap. Saif, who was wearing a black T-shirt, was seated close to Rima, who was clinging to Taimur. White clothing was worn by Anissa and Armaan.
In the family photo, Taimur and Jeh were the centre of attention. Taimur was sporting a T-shirt that said “big bro,” while Jeh was fixated on Armaan. Natasha Nanda, who was also there, posted a photo showing Rima and Kareena sitting side by side with Natasha, Armaan, and Anissa standing behind them.
Kareena uploaded a photo of herself earlier this week sipping coffee at the well-known British restaurant Pret in the UK after wrapping up filming for her upcoming project, The Devotion of Suspect X. “Waited two years for you baby,” she wrote as the caption. “@kareenakapoorkhan…. Yeeee Yeeee… ” Jaideep Ahlawat, who will co-star with Kareena in The Devotion of Suspect X, wrote in the comments. After so much effort, it’s time for a vacation. Enjoy.”
Kareena makes her OTT debut in The Devotion of Suspect X, which also stars Vijay Varma. She will also star in Laal Singh Chaddha, the Indian version of the Tom Hanks-led film Forrest Gump, opposite Aamir Khan. Saif has finished filming Vikram Vedha, a movie that also stars Hrithik Roshan. Group Media Publications
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