Federal Minister of the Interior Amit Shah said on Saturday that India had witnessed a stable government after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014. When he delivered a keynote speech at the Hindustan Times Leaders’ Summit, the country has been walking. On the road of development. Saturday.
“In 2014, after decades of coalition politics at the center, India gained some form of stability. This was seven years before Covid-19 hit us. Before 2014, India was in a state of’policy paralysis,’” Amit Shah said at a meeting hosted by Hindustan Editor-in-Chief Shashi Shekhar on the last day of HTLS in 2021. Before 2014, the dignity was damaged, every minister thought he was the prime minister, and people began to question multi-party democracy.
“The main reason is that there was no delivery. PM Modi has successfully solved many problems through patience and planning. Prime Minister Modi includes 800 million people who have never participated in the progress of the country,” he said. Through direct welfare transfers or DBT, poverty alleviation, rural electrification and other programs, Prime Minister Modi ensures that everyone participates in the progress of the country.
News Source : Hindustan Times