Bhediya, starring Varun Dhawan, will hit theatres on November 25 and the marketing campaign has already started. Thumkeswari, the first song, was successful in maintaining the excitement started by the movie teaser.
Varun Dhawan stated that the character he played in this movie was his strangest one to date in one of the interviews. According to the plot, Varun gets bitten by a wolf and transforms into the animal. Varun stated that Bhediya will be a crucial contribution in this respect since as an actor, he wants to try his hand at various roles to entertain the audience.
The film’s leading lady is played by Kriti Sanon, and Bhediya was directed by Amar Kaushik, who also worked on the Stree movie. Dinesh Vijay is the producer of the Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil versions of the movie. The composers are the combo Sachin-Jigar.
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