The Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt movie Brahmastra’s producers, Star India Pvt Ltd, have obtained a restraining order from the Delhi High Court against unauthorised streaming. The movie, which is being helmed by Ayan Mukerji, will debut in theatres on September 9.
The filmmakers claimed that any hosting, streaming, copying, or distribution of the movie without their permission would violate their copyright and hurt their business. The plaintiff’s lawsuit was also served with summonses by the court, and a new hearing date of November 29 was set.
According to a PTI report, Justice Jyoti Singh issued the ex-parte interim decision, which stated that piracy needed to be reduced and dealt with harshly, and that an injunction against rogue websites screening copyrighted content should be given. The plaintiff has established a strong case to support the granting of ex parte ad-interim relief. Defendants No. 1 to 18 (rogue websites) and anyone else acting on their behalf are prohibited from in any way hosting, streaming, retransmitting, exhibiting, making available for viewing and downloading, giving the public access to and/or communicating with them, displaying, uploading, changing, publishing, updating, and/or sharing the movie Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva and any associated materials on their websites through the internet or any other platform.
The ambitious sci-fi action movie will, however, have a special fan screening, Ranbir and Alia said on Tuesday. According to Alia’s Instagram post, “ATTENTION! ATTENTION!!!! 3 days until the big day.” She also posted a video of herself viewing Brahmastra with Ranbir, Ayan, and other cast and crew members inside a movie theatre. In the video, they make mention to the fan screening.
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