In 2024, Urvashi Rautela is attending the Cannes Film Festival in the French Riviera. The actor appeared on the red carpet at the esteemed event on Thursday. Urvashi adhered to her signature look despite having previously attended the Cannes Film Festival largely in vibrantly coloured attire. She wore a nude gown with shimmering crimson accents for her most recent presentation.
She posted pictures of herself on Instagram Stories. Prior to strolling the red carpet, the actor also had a fan meeting. A video of Urvashi doing heart signs and blowing flying kisses during the event was uploaded by Brut India.
Responses to Urvashi’s second appearance at Cannes 2024
Some Instagram users praised her appearance, but others weren’t so thrilled. Someone said, “She appears to be worth a million dollars.” Her admirers even extend to those standing behind her. Look at the man who says “nice” while nodding his head.” “Seems like she is the red carpet,” said someone more. Another individual remarked, “She looks stunning.”
The actor’s choice of clothing and plunging neckline did not sit well with everyone on Instagram. “Why do Indian celebrities’ dresses look so cheap, like they’re from the store next door?” someone said.I would argue that only Sabyasachi, Gaurav Gupta, and Manish Malhotra create exquisite gowns for celebrities.”
“Is it required to always show the cleavage?” asked another. “Just for the sake of fashion, she shows their cleavage, and unfortunately most people appreciate and say ‘hot’” was another commenter’s statement. Where is our Indian culture now? It is quite repulsive.
Urvashi’s prior appearance at Cannes 2024
Following the Cannes Film Festival 2024 opening ceremony on Tuesday, Urvashi posted a number of pictures and videos of her evening attire, a pink ruffled gown, on Instagram. The pink ensemble was designed by the Lebanese brand Khaled and Marwan. One of Urvashi’s pictures included the description, “Festival de Cannes 2024 opening ceremony with my ultimate fav Meryl Streep.”
Tuesday night marked the beginning of the 77th Cannes Film Festival with an incredible show of talent and glitz at the Grand Theatre Lumiere. Meryl Streep, a legendary figure in Hollywood, was present and received the esteemed Honorary Palme d’Or.
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