The COVID-19 situation in Bengaluru has seen a marginal deterioration between Sunday, August 29 and Saturday, September 4 when reviewed on a week-on-week basis. However, although the number of positive cases has reduced, the number of COVID-19 deaths, test positivity rate, case fatality rate and hospital admissions have marginally increased, when compared to the previous week.
In the August 29-September 4 period, Bengaluru saw 2,195 positive cases, which is lower than 2,250 cases recorded between August 22 and 28. The test positivity rate (percentage of samples that turn positive for the virus per 100 tests), on the other hand, rose marginally from 0.54% to 0.56%.
TPR is considered to be a better metric of gauging the infection rate compared to real case numbers, according to experts. Incidentally, the number of tests conducted in Bengaluru also dropped below the 4 lakh mark (for the week) for the first time in more than seven weeks. While 4,13,519 tests were conducted between August 22 and 28, a total of 3,92,430 samples were tested between August 29 and September 4.
News Source : The Hindu