
Criminal movie review: We are happy that it was launched on National Cinema Day because this is Pollywood’s daring attempt in the thriller genre.



Review of the film Criminal: This is Pollywood’s daring entry into the thriller genre, and we are pleased that it was released on National Cinema Day.

Mahi and Arjun make incremental attempts to patch up their failing union. They experiment with various forms of communication in an effort to cover the hatch. However, before they can give their marriage a serious go, their lives takes a 180-degree change when “5 highly dangerous and most wanted criminals,” who are renowned for their twisted mind and no mercy attitude, move into their residence. What the criminals do with Mahi and Arjun next, whether they manage to flee, and who has the last laugh are all revealed in this Punjabi suspense novel.


Years of outstanding romantic comedies, comedic dramas, and even period pieces have been produced by Punjabi cinema, but Pollywood producers haven’t taken as much of an interest in suspense thrillers. Nevertheless, the Garinder Sidhu-directed film “Criminal” has today broken this alleged stigma.

The first thing I want to emphasise as I write this movie’s critique is that there are actually seven crooks in this plot, not just five. Five people introduce people into a house, and the other two are responsible for breaking in. Consequently, let’s start our proceedings by discussing each offender one at a time, beginning with Prince Kanwaljit Singh (Bura).

Prince portrays a psychotic killer who is open about his enjoyment of murder. He comes from a long line of murders, and he wants nothing otherwise for his own family members. His character’s crazy is complemented by everything about him, including his appearance, the way he speaks, and his facial expressions. Even a brief glimpse of his eyes can send shivers down your spine. Although Prince also portrayed a complex character like this in “Warning,” in that movie he was on a killing rampage and had a task to complete, unlike in this one where he kills for enjoyment and because he enjoys it.


Raghveer Boli is the next person I’d like to introduce to the audience (Master). He portrays a serial rapist whose passion knows no bounds and targets both people and animals. His persona makes you uneasy. It is difficult to believe that Boli, who is known for making people laugh, can play such a serious character and do so with such ease because of his trademark teeth moment.

Next up are Sanjeev Kaler (Demu), Gurnav Deep Singh (Tunni), and Hrishab Sharma (Kappa). Even though the first two receive less screen time, they nonetheless make an impact. Even after you leave the theatre, you’ll continue to think about them due to their bizarre habits. In the beginning of the movie, Kappa is shown as the mastermind. However, while he played checkers, his companion criminal played chess alongside him.

Her character looks into the mirror in the song that introduces the movie and attempts to feign a smile even though she is depressed on the inside. The emotional upheaval she is experiencing is established in that instant, and the hold it has built never lets go. But as we witness Neeru receiving a beating from the thugs, our hearts shatter. However, we support her when she gets back up to fight as well.

Dheeraj Kumar is also the final guilty party shown on the screen. He is a husband who attempts to make amends with his wife but stays out of heated exchanges. He is not a nasty husband in the movie, but he is just bad at starting conversations, so you will feel awful for him. But in a crisis, he will be the one to take the fall for himself.

Dheeraj and Neeru are sharing the screen for the first time, and we have to admit that we couldn’t get enough of them.


We must discuss the film’s creators, the director and writers, before we come to an end. Garinder Sidhu took care to avoid the movie dragging or the subplots becoming monotonous. On the one hand, even though the performers did a fantastic job, we must admit that the director’s vision was what really made the stars shine. Additionally, Vinit Attri and Vishal Singh Deot, who wrote the dialogue, and Sarvjit Khera and Naveen Jethi, who wrote the tale, all deserve special recognition. There were additional scenes in the story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, despite the fact that some of the narrative’s events were foreseeable.

The movie’s background score was the garnish, last but not least. It kept the film’s pace and degree of intrigue while completing any gaps as needed. Overall, Pollywood did us proud with “Criminal” on National Cinema Day.


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