Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani, and Tabu star in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which had a successful first weekend at the box office. Following a strong opening of 14 crore on Friday, the film saw tremendous growth over the weekend. The film surpassed 56 crore in three days after receiving a fantastic response at the box office on Sunday.
On Sunday, the film grossed Rs. 23.51 crore. This brings the domestic box office total to 55.96 crore. Taran Adarsh, a film trade analyst, tweeted the film’s box office numbers. “#BhoolBhulaiyaa2 breathes new life into an ailing industry,” he wrote. A 55-crore weekend at a time when most #Hindi films gross less than $20 million over their entire run is a MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT… Fri 14.11 million, Sat 18.34 million, and Sun 23.51 million. #India biz total: 55.96 crores.”
He claimed that the film’s weekend box office was Kartik’s biggest weekend to date. “KARTIK AARYAN’S BIGGEST WEEKEND… #KartikAaryan versus #KartikAaryan… *Opening Weekend* biz,” he wrote on Twitter. #BhoolBhulaiyaa2 grosses 55.96 crores in 2022. #PatiPatniAurWoh 35.94 crores in 2019. #LukaChuppi grosses 32.13 crores in 2019. #LoveAajKal 28.51 crores in 2020 #SonuKeTituKiSweety grossed 26.57 crores in 2018. #PyaarKaPunchnama2 grossed 22.75 crores in 2015. #PyaarKaPunchnama grossed 3.25 crores in India in 2011.”
“The biggest surprise for the film is West Bengal,” according to Boxofficeindia.com, “as this circuit is not keen on comedies and Kartik Aaryan films have also done less here,” but “this film is very strong perhaps due to the horror factor and native characters and language used in the film.”
Kartik went to the Gaiety cinemas in Mumbai on Sunday to see his film, but the theatre was packed. He expressed his joy on Instagram, saying that he had been unable to obtain a ticket for himself. The film received positive to mixed reviews and a positive reception in theatres.
“The Anees Bazmee film does invite comparisons with the original but manages to hold its ground, aided by strong performances from Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani, and Tabu,” wrote the Hindustan Times in its review of the film.
On Friday, Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara’s rumoured boyfriend, praised the film on Instagram. He wrote, “Laughter, thrills, and entertainment abound in #BhoolBhulaiyaa2. @Kiaraaliaadvani @aneezbazmee @kartikaaryan @muradkhetani and the team deserve kudos and best wishes. Kill it.”
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 is a standalone sequel to Akshay Kumar and Vidya Balan’s 2007 hit, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, directed by Anees Bazmee and written by Aakash Kaushik and Farhad Samji.