Day 3 box office collection for Srikanth: The film, which stars Rajkummar Rao in the title role, has been doing well in India. In just three days, Srikanth made almost ₹11 crore, according to Rajkummar Rao plays Srikanth Bolla in the movie.
Srikanth India’s box office
The report states that the movie took in 2.25 crore on its first day and 4.2 crore on its second. According to preliminary estimates, it made 5.5 crore nett in India on its third day. Srikanth has made 11.95 crore thus far. On Sunday, Srikanth had a 25.59 percent Hindi occupancy rate overall. May 10 marked the movie’s theatrical debut.
Concerning Srikanth
Alaya F, Jyotika, and Sharad Kelkar have important parts in the movie as well. Rajkummar plays businessman Srikanth Bolla in the movie, who founded Bollant Industries after pursuing his goals in spite of his vision handicap. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishna Kumar, and Nidhi Parmar Hiranandani, Srikanth is helmed by Tushar Hiranandani.
Review of Srikanth
Srikanth does a good job of bringing attention to the lack of understanding in our culture for the challenges faced by those with disabilities. The movie clarifies the prejudices that are present in the system of education and employment prospects. It is seen in a scenario where Srikanth is trying to get investors for his firm and one of the companies, not wanting to give him a big sum of money, tries to get him involved in Diwali candle-making, a task that has long been linked with the blind.
Rajkummar in the role of Srikanth
Rajkummar recently discussed his involvement in an interview with the news agency ANI. “I was also very moved when I learned about Srikanth’s life and when I first heard his story from Tushar,” the man had stated. The fact that someone with vision impairments accomplished so much at such a young age encouraged me immensely. Since we could all use a little encouragement in our lives, I felt that this tale should be shared with as many people as possible. We all have bad days when we just want to run away from everything. You will be simultaneously entertained and inspired by Srikanth’s persona.”
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