In view of the increasing number of Omicron variant cases, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority issued an order on Wednesday to ban all cultural events and parties celebrating Christmas and New Year in the capital. DDMA instructs magistrates to take all necessary measures within their respective jurisdictions to control transmission.
The order reads: “All DMs and district DCPs shall ensure that cultural activities/gatherings/assemblies/holdings to celebrate Christmas or New Year are not held in Delhi NCT.” DDMA instructs all district sheriffs to conduct in-depth investigations of the entire area and determine that it is possible Become a hot pocket for Covid-19 and Omicron variants. It also recommended that officials inform the Resident Welfare Association (RWA) of the increasing trend of Covid-19 cases and the emergence of new variants of concern.
The order said: “Since wearing masks is the most important weapon against Covid-19, RWA and MTA should be advised to not allow their residents, shopkeepers and customers to enter their respective areas/public places without masks.”
DDMA allows restaurants, bars, and auditoriums to operate at 50% capacity, while limiting marriage-related gatherings to 200 people.
The authorities quoted earlier orders restricting all social, political, cultural, entertainment and religious gatherings, stating that these restrictions have not been strictly observed. It instructs officials to conduct surprise inspections and impose severe penalties on violators in accordance with the law.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times