The Delhi Metro Railway Corporation (DMRC) announced on Monday that there has been a short delay in service on the Pink Line of the Delhi Metro.
According to reports, the delay occurred at around 7:30 in the morning, just when the traffic at the subway station began to peak. According to a tweet updated by the DMRC, the service returned to normal around 7:53 in the morning. “Service delay between Mayur Vihar Pocket 1 and Shiv Vihar.
Normal service on all other lines,” it wrote on Twitter. The Pink Line is the seventh metro line of the Delhi Metro. It stretches from Parliament Park to Shiv Vihar, with 38 subway stations along the way.
The pink line has been opened in multiple stages starting in 2018. Delhi Metro often informs about congestion and delays on Twitter. In most cases, these delays occur during peak commuting hours. Currently, the train is operating at full capacity, but due to Covid-19 measures, the DMRC still prohibits the provision of standing. This also caused frequent delays. After the city began reporting a surge in daily Covid-19 cases, Delhi Metro’s service was completely closed in May.
After several postponements, the service was partially opened on June 7. The Delhi Metro train started operating on July 26 with 100% seat capacity.
News Source : Hindustan Times