Check the weather forecast and air quality updates for Delhi on December 19, 2024 here. The temperature in Delhi today, on December 19, 2024, is 16.72 °C. The day’s forecast indicates a minimum and maximum temperature of 7.05 °C and 22.16 °C, respectively. The relative humidity is 35% and the wind speed is 35 km/h. The sun rose at 07:08 AM and will set at 05:27 PM.
Tomorrow, on Friday, December 20, 2024, Delhi is predicted to experience a minimum and maximum temperature of 14.45 °C and 22.92 °C, respectively. Tomorrow humidity levels will be at 23%.
Today’s forecast promises the sky to be clear. Please plan your day according to the temperature and predicted weather conditions. Enjoy the sunshine and don’t forget your sunscreen and sunglasses as you soak up the weather.
The AQI in Delhi today stands at 500.0, falling in thehazardouscategory. Everyone should remain cautious and limit their outdoor activities. The usage of masks and air purifying devices is highly advised. Being aware of the AQI helps one make informed decisions regarding one’s overall well-being while planning the day’s activities.
Weather and AQI predictions in Delhi for next 7 days: