About Tuesday, Yuzvendra Chahal’s wife, Dhanashree Verma, shared a humorous video on the husband-wife connection on social media. They both sang a new version of the Deewana song Teri Isi Ada. Her humorous short movie struck a chord with viewers and made them smile. Dhanashree had on a white shirt and a green and blue dress. White jeans and a brown T-shirt were noticed on Yuzvendra.
Days after Dhanashree and Yuzvendra denied divorce rumours, The Reel premiered. Dhanashree recently removed Chahal from her Instagram name, sparking rumours among followers. In other posts with comparable images, the pair denied having divorce plans.
Dhanashree updated her Instagram followers on her life and her ACL tear in a lengthy post on Monday. “I was trying so hard to wrap my head around this surprising news of not being able to do the basic things in life adequately,” she wrote in response to the divorce rumours (About the ACL surgery). The moment I most needed help was also the moment that others started hearing rumours about us. Hearing all of it made me feel pretty hurt since it was so cruel. It was exhausting, to put it mildly. I’ve put in a lot of effort and have earned your respect over time and with elegance. I won’t let this injury or any unfounded rumours to diminish that.
As DVC, Dhanashree also signed off. In the post’s comment area, Yuzvendra referred to Dhanashree as “my woman” since she continues to receive support from followers through a trying time. In December 2020, Chahal and Dhanashree exchanged vows.
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