Jigra, a film by Vasan Bala, stars Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina, polarizing audiences and critics with mixed reviews and low box office numbers. Divya Khossla accused Bhatt of inflating figures. Divya Khossla has opened a front against Jigra, claiming that her recent film, Savi, about a woman and a middle-aged man escaping a foreign prison, has ripped off her. However, the allegations and name-calling surrounding the film raise questions about the truth.
Jigra vs. Savi: The storyline and the claims of infringement
In the Abhinay Deo-directed film Savi, Divya plays the title character, Savitri, a straightforward housewife in Liverpool whose life is completely upended when her husband is taken into custody for the murder of his employer. As the judicial system closes, Savi recruits Anil Kapoor, an ex-con, to assist her in organizing a bold escape. Although the idea may seem similar to Jigra, in which Alia’s character Satya travels to a fictional nation in Southeast Asia in order to release her brother, there are a number of differences between the two movies. Jigra has a build-up of emotions and is structured like a thriller. Before chaos erupts, the brother-sister relationship must be developed over time. However, Savi plunges us right into the action in which
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