Our hair speaks volumes about our personalities and reflects our health, so it needs to be washed with greater care. However, sometimes when we wash our hair, they become dry, rough, and dehydrated. Although losing our hair terrifies us all, did you know that between 50 and 100 hairs fall out on average every day?
Many people first notice hair loss while shampooing their hair or immediately after. Let’s explore the differences between normal hair loss and the times we really need to see a dermatologist, as well as some quick fixes.
Dr. Arshi Rahul, Laser Expert Cosmetologist, Trichologist, and Founder of The Daily Aesthetics, advised, “It’s important to use a light, sulfate-free shampoo that won’t dry the hair and scalp,” in an interview with HT Lifestyle. To allow the hair shaft’s pores to open, hair conditioner must be applied to the length and shaft of the hair. Additionally, this makes hair more recognisable and attractive, and it makes brushing easier. Additionally, it protects against damaging UV Rays.
She said, “A regular hair wash is always best to get rid of hair fall while shampooing,” when asked how one could prevent hair from falling out after shampooing. Always be careful not to massage the shampoo into your scalp; instead, take the necessary amount of shampoo, foam it up in your palm, and then gently apply it to your scalp. When washing your hair, always use cold or lukewarm water. Avoid washing your hair upside down because this causes tangling, which will cause your hair to break.
She suggests the following quick fixes to help prevent hair loss:
1. Maintain a healthy diet
2. Never ever brush your wet hair.
3. Consider low-level laser therapy.
According to Dr. Ameesha Mahajan, a consultant cosmetic dermatologist at RM Aesthetics in Amritsar, the scalp also has sebaceous glands that secrete an oil known as sebum, just like our skin does. When produced enough, sebum can keep our scalps moisturised, but when produced in excess, it builds up on the scalp and serves as a haven for the fungus that causes dandruff. Additionally, frequent use of hair styling products such as dry shampoos, gels, mousse, and sprays can lead to buildup on the scalp. More dust and pollution are drawn to the scalp by the buildups of oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and product. This buildup is removed and your scalp is cleansed when you wash your hair. So shampooing is essential for scalp health.”
“Shedding of 50 to 100 hairs is normal,” she continued. The hair that is already in the shedding phase sheds more readily when we shampoo, and we notice the hair fall in the drain. This fall, shampoo sales won’t necessarily rise. Dr. Ameesha Mahajan stated when asked if it was safe to shampoo daily, “You have to keep the scalp clean. If you have an oily scalp, cleaning it rather than letting the buildup accumulate is better for your scalp.
She provided the following shampoo tips:
1. You should wash your scalp less frequently if you have a dry scalp. Do not begin shampooing daily.
2. You can choose to shampoo every day or every other day if your scalp is oily.
3. Use a gentle shampoo; avoid using strong shampoos, such as anti-dandruff shampoos, on a regular basis.
4. You might need medicated shampoos if you have a scalp condition like excessive dandruff, psoriasis, or any other infection. Therefore, it is best to get an evaluation from a dermatologist.
5. It’s okay to wash your hair frequently in the summer or when it’s humid outside.
6. Apply a conditioner to your hair only to help control frizz; avoid applying it to your scalp.
7. If you notice a sudden increase in hair loss or thinning hair, make an appointment with a dermatologist right away because it may not be caused by shampoo but rather by internal problems that require medication in addition to a shampoo change.
Dr. Debeshi, a clinical cosmetologist and the head and founder of Lueur Aesthetics, offered her expertise on the subject, saying, “Most hair shedding should occur in the shower, though it is still common to lose some when comb through afterwards. However, if you’re shedding for a prolonged period of time after shampooing or you suddenly find it all over your clothes, that could signal a problem. You can get assistance. She also added to the list of recommendations for preventing hair loss
1, eat a diet high in protein – nutrition is crucial.
2. Nutritional supplements – Even with a healthy diet, we frequently don’t get enough nutrition. You can include supplements rich in biotin.
3. Choosing the right shampoo for your scalp and hair type is crucial.
4. Hair washing is essential after working out or going to the gym.
5. Use heating products sparingly.
6. If your water is hard, filtered water is preferable.
7. Avoid frequent hair washings and avoid brushing wet hair right away.
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