Similarly, a woman should also start yoga to stay healthy. After the age of forty, women should do this asana to avoid any kind of problem in their body. Let’s know which are those three asanas…
Sukhasana also helps in curing many diseases. Many mental and physical illnesses have also been seen to be cured by its regular practice. Its regular practice also helps in Chakra and Kundalini awakening.
Sukhasana One experiences physical and mental peace by practicing Sukhasana. This asana is done before beginning yoga so that the breathing process can be controlled. To do this asana, spread the mat on the ground and sit on the floor. Close your eyes and place your palms on your knees and take a deep breath.
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Tadasana: to do this asana, keep your feet together and stand upright. Now raise your hands straight upwards and close your eyes taking a deep breath. After staying in this state for some time, slowly return to the former position while exhaling.