In the 1990s, Karisma Kapoor and Salman Khan’s onscreen pairing was a smash hit. ‘Biwi No. 1,’ ‘Judwaa,’ ‘Jeet,’ ‘Andaz Apna Apna,’ and ‘Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge’ are among the films in which the two have collaborated. When they reunited at Salman’s sister Arpita Khan’s Eid party on Tuesday night, fans were ecstatic to see them together again.
Karisma used Instagram to share photos of herself and Salman from the bash. As they pose for the cameras, Karisma gives Salman a tight hug in one of the photos. “We’re back with the originals!” Everyone, Happy Eid Mubarak! “The image was captioned by Karisma. Fans flooded the comment section of her Instagram profile with adorable messages as soon as she posted the photos with Salman. “Please get married, please get married, please get married, please get married, please get married, please get “a user commented. “Please marry each other, please marry each other, please marry each other, please marry each “Another user commented. A third user commented, “You two make a beautiful couple on screen as well as off screen.”
Karisma Kapoor, meanwhile, held an AMA (ask me anything) session with her Instagram followers last week. Karisma answered a variety of questions during the brief interview, ranging from her favourite people to her favourite foods. One of the questions she was asked was whether or not she would consider marrying again in the future. ‘Depends!’ Karisma responded with a GIF of a perplexed and perturbed-looking person.
In 2003, Karisma married businessman Sanjay Kapur. The couple has two children: Samaira, a daughter, and Kiaan, a son. Karisma and Sanjay filed for divorce by mutual consent in 2014. In 2016, their divorce was finalised. The divorce became acrimonious, with both parties making numerous accusations against one another.
Karisma’s father, actor Randhir Kapoor, revealed in a post-divorce interview with Hindustan Times that he was never a fan of the marriage. “Everyone is aware of our credentials.” We are the Kapoor family. We don’t need to go looking for money from anyone. We have been given not only money, but also the ability to support ourselves for the rest of our lives. Sanjay is a man of the third class. I had no intention of Karisma marrying him.”