Kangana Ranaut, an actor and recently elected BJP Lok Sabha MP from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, paid a visit to the Isha Foundation, a spiritual leader’s facility, in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She posted pictures of herself from the trip to Instagram Stories on Monday.
She posed with Sadhguru in one of the photos. Kangana posted a picture of herself in prayer in front of the Adiyogi Shiva monument in Coimbatore and captioned it, saying, “My happy place.” She was sitting on the ground, wearing a pink saree, and Sadhguru was blessing her while laying his palm on her head.
Kangana at the swearing-in ceremony for PM Modi On June 9, a star-studded event took place in the hallways of Rashtrapati Bhavan as prominent figures from politics, entertainment, and commerce gathered to watch Prime Minister Narendra Modi take office for a third term. Kangana, the recently elected Member of Parliament, was one of the prominent guests. She looked stunning in a white saree.
Kangana gave an airport smack. In addition to winning the Mandi seat in the Lok Sabha election of 2024, Kangana Ranaut has also been in the headlines for being recently smacked by a CISF constable. Evidently, the CISF constable was not pleased with Kangana’s position toward the farmers’ protests.
In a video message posted hours after the incident last week, Kangana claimed the constable had physically assaulted her and verbally harassed her while she was going through security at the Chandigarh airport.
Another video that has been making the rounds on social media shows the irate policeman conversing with individuals, most likely following the event. “Earlier, Kangana stated that the reason farmers in Delhi were protesting was because they were only given ₹100 or ₹200. “My mother was a protester at the time,” she stated in the alleged video.
In June 2024, following her election victory as a Member of Parliament from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut visited the Isha Foundation in Coimbatore to seek blessings from Sadhguru. She described the ashram as her “happy place,” reflecting her deep connection with the spiritual center.
During her visit, Kangana wore a light pink sari with a white border and motifs, embodying simplicity and grace. She shared moments from her visit on Instagram, including prayers before the Adiyogi Shiva bust, expressing her gratitude and spiritual fulfillment.
On June 9, a star-studded event took place in the hallways of Rashtrapati Bhavan as prominent figures from politics, entertainment, and commerce gathered to watch Member of Parliament, was one of the prominent guests. She looked stunning white saree.
In a video message posted hours after the incident last week, Kangana claimed the constable had physically assaulted her and verbally harassed her while she was going through security at the Chandigarh airport.
Kangana’s association with the Isha Foundation and Sadhguru has been longstanding. In a 2019 interview, she discussed how, at the peak of her acting career, she faced personal challenges and found solace in Sadhguru’s teachings, which guided her through difficult times.
Her visit to Coimbatore underscores her commitment to spirituality and personal growth, highlighting the importance of inner well-being alongside her political and professional achievements.
For a glimpse into Kangana’s visit to the Isha Foundation, you can watch the following video:
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