The WhatsApp Groups function does not look good. At best, it will get an alternative called WhatsApp Community, at worst, it may be replaced. WhatsApp is currently developing a new feature that was found in the code of a popular encrypted messaging application during the recent APK “teardown”.
According to reports, this new feature called “community” may be used in conjunction with the service’s popular “group” feature. This feature joins the list of multiple features that WhatsApp is currently developing (or testing) the beta version of its application. XDA developers discovered this new community feature in the latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android. According to the report, analysis of the APK of the WhatsApp beta version revealed the code for a new community feature that may provide social media features separate from group features.
However, according to feature leaker WABetaInfo, this may also be just a way for users to better organize groups on the chat application. The report suggests that WhatsApp groups, which are very popular in countries such as India and Brazil, may just be a better way for users to organize groups. According to a report, this feature may also allow users to host groups “inside” the community. However, this is only a guess at this stage, because the feature itself has not been made public, and XDA only found a reference to the feature in the application.
At the same time, the leaker said that this is unlikely to be a new feature, but to provide users with a better way to deal with groups on the app. XDA has stated that aligning group functions with recently discovered community functions (or lower) may mean that group owners (or community owners) may be able to select new roles for users, such as “community manager”, and at the same time change Control the group well. Importantly, it may even allow the sharing of messages in a larger community, which will fill the current gap.
This means that although it is possible for WhatsApp to simply change the name of its group function to community, according to the report, we will only know what the function of the function is after the company develops the function in a future version. application. Like many beta features across applications, this feature may eventually be abandoned due to its feasibility.
News Source : HT Tech