On Friday, on the eve of the birthday of former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, UP Urban Development Minister Ashutosh Tandon laid the cornerstone of civil and landscaping works for 857 parks in the state capital.
According to officials, Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) has received 15.56 crore funds for the development of 325 semi-developed parks, while the 15th Finance Committee has approved 1.901 crore for the development of 706 undeveloped parks .
In addition, 154 parks of Lucknow Development Agency (LDA) have been allocated 9.52 crore for landscaping works. They said that these parks will have good boundary walls, railings, fountains, park lights, sidewalks, walking paths, open stadiums, etc. These funds will come from funds allocated by the government.
Tanden said: “The state government is making every effort to make Lucknow one of the best cities in the world. In the past four years, Lucknow’s ranking in the Urban Sanitation Index has risen from 269 to 12, but it is Work hard to elevate the city to the first place.”
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times