
Google Says Disabled People Can Now Use Android Phones With Face Gestures



Google said Thursday that raising eyebrows and using smiles allowed people with speech and disabilities to operate their Android smartphones hands-free. Two new tools now equip smartphones with machine learning and frontal cameras to detect face and eye movements. Users can select tasks by scanning the phone screen and smiling, raising their eyebrows, opening their mouth, or looking left, right, or up.

“make Android For easy access for everyone, we are releasing a new tool that facilitates communication using smartphone control and facial gestures. ” Google Said.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 61 million adults in the United States live with disabilities, which is driving Google and its rivals. Apple When Microsoft To make products and services more accessible.


“Every day, people navigate the phone with voice commands and hands like’Hey Google’,” said the tech giant. Blog post..

“But that is not always possible for people with severe motor and speech disabilities.”

This change is the result of two new features. One is called the “camera switch”, which allows you to use your face instead of swiping or tapping to control your smartphone.

News Source : UPSCGURU



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