Haechan and Johnny, two members of NCT, are in major difficulties when pictures and allegations surfaced allegedly showing them having personal interactions with fans. The group has been embroiled in controversy lately, particularly in the wake of the Starbucks incident. Photographs and tweets have now been released by an account named @kira_ceo_main, which claims that three Japanese girls, two of whom were allegedly admirers, were the sexual partners of the NCT members. Social media users have already seen the photographs go viral, and followers are waiting for an answer from the agency.
Haechan and Johnny of NCT are accused of having private conversations with fans.
These charges stem from a story that relates to the nightlife in Japan and claims that the lads had a romantic relationship with cabaret hosts and other girls in this business. According to Koreaboo’s report, the hotel where these alleged activities were conducted is the same one where Haechan had just hosted a livestream. It is called the Capitol Hotel Tokyo. The since-deleted tweet went viral, and the images have followers furious. Moreover, reports surfaced of seeing the three girls outside the hotel with Johnny and Haechan in tow.
Fans defend Haechan and Johnny amid the controversy
The charges were made more seriously. A tweet featured a picture of five glasses, different drinks, and what appeared to be “suspicious” packets. The photo was likely uploaded by one of the women involved. That wasn’t all, though. A screenshot of an alleged chat between Johnny and a fan named Miu surfaced in another tweet, indicating that the two were planning to meet in Japan when NCT 127 is scheduled to visit that country.
Also, online users discovered information on the women involved. One, Miu, seemed to be a fan of Doyoung from NCT based on her posts on social media. It’s said that another woman follows NCT’s Mark. One of the ladies tweeted a screenshot purportedly showing a discussion she had with Johnny, in which she hinted to a potential meeting in Japan that would coincide with NCT 127’s itinerary there, which further raised suspicions. It’s crucial to remember that the primary account was removed most likely as a result of fan complaints, casting doubt on the veracity of the assertions. SM Entertainment has not yet released a statement.
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