Chief minister Jairam Thakur said he had spoken with the central government the day after Khalistani flags were discovered hung at Himachal Pradesh’s state assembly. The state police had sealed the borders on Sunday after the banned Khalistan group ‘Sikhs For Justice’ (SFJ) claimed responsibility. Meanwhile, as the incident occurs months before the state elections later this year, the opposition has been attacking the BJP government.
1. On Monday, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said the incident was taken “very seriously” by the state government. “This incident has been taken very seriously by the state government.” We’ve spoken with the centre about it, and all information about who might be behind it is being gathered,” he was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
2. “An SIT (special investigation team) has been formed… and the investigation process has begun.” We’ve taken a new step in the state as a security measure, with increased surveillance at the Himachal border to prevent similar incidents from occurring again,” he added.
3. On Sunday, the state police filed a case under the UAPA anti-terror law against Sikhs for Justice leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun. Pannun was charged under section 13 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, sections 153 A and 153 B of the Indian Penal Code, as well as section 3 of the HP Open Places (Prevention of Disfigurement) Act, 1985, according to HP Director General of Police Sanjay Kundu.
4. The state tightened security measures and closed borders. According to police, the “sealing” of the border meant strict checks on vehicles and people entering the hilly state.
4. The case was investigated by a seven-member SIT. Pro-Khalistan slogans were also reportedly scrawled on the walls of the state assembly, which were later painted over.
5. According to Kundu, all top police officers were told to “seal all interstate borders and barriers and maintain a strict vigil at places of possible hideouts, such as hotels and inns of criminal elements.” “They have been directed to keep the special security units (SSUs), bomb disposal squads, and quick reactions teams (QRTs) in position and on high alert,” he was quoted as saying in reports.
6. The chief minister issued tweets shortly after the incident was reported on Sunday morning, calling it a “cowardly act.” “I strongly condemn the cowardly act of raising Khalistan flags at the Dharamshala Assembly Complex gate in the dead of night.”
7. “The cowardly incident was carried out as a result of this, but the government will not tolerate it.” The perpetrators will be apprehended soon, no matter where they are. “The perpetrators of this incident will face severe consequences,” he had stated.
8. In the meantime, the opposition has seized the opportunity to attack the BJP ahead of the state elections. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which is gaining traction in the election-bound state, called the incident a “complete security failure” by the BJP-led government.
9. AAP state spokesperson and retired DGP ID Bhandari said, “The government under whose rule such an incident occurred has no right to be in power.”
10 “It is the failure of the government.” “This incident has demonstrated that the Jai Ram Thakur-led government is incapable of running the state,” said Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, chairman of the Congress campaign committee.