The effect of poo r quality of air in Delhi has become deadly as indicated by a high level of (Air-Quality Index) AQI.
The main pollutants are a particulate matter of variable sizes, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and greenhouse gases (CO2).
These are resultant of residues of brick kilns and coal-fired thermal plants outside Delhi. Diesel generator sets, road dust, vehicle exhaustion, large scale construction are factors of pollution inside Delhi.
Major Factors
Burning of crop residues like rice stubbles in Haryana, Punjab and also in Uttar Pradesh and industrial pollution .
Basically, anything which is burnt causes pollution creating either some or most of the pollutants. The blowing wind carries pollutants to the city. Firecrackers on Diwali contributing to the pollution .
Presence of various pollutants in the air:
Pollution effects:
On brain is most adverse. Breathe in air relays to the brain through olfactory nerves and also with blood reaches there. The biggest problem is increased brain aging, impacting our life expectancy. Impacting mostly the white matter of the brain.
Heart, liver, kidney, skin due to infected blood. Pollution leads to skin rash, inflammation, blocked pores and affects hair in the form of dryness, dullness, and aggregation of dust in it.
Precautions to be taken:
Steam shower and steam inhalation can carry out impurities from soft tissue and lungs. Gargle help soothes the throat.
Hairs should be deeply cleansed with conditioner and applied with coconut oil to smoothen them. We should stay indoors at home, shopping malls, or gym using an exercise machine. Should do outing only when it is a bright and sunny day.
Avoid physically demanding activities. Keep hydrated. Should use air purifiers and face mask. Should reduce the use of energy to improve air quality. Should take food rich in magnesium, vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acid. Should use (juices) pomegranate and cranberry to diminish the effects of carbon.
We should take th e necessary steps for healthy breathing in the future. Seeing the non-tolerable level of pollution, declared by Environment pollution authority, Delhi Govt. has issued a notice to close all the schools and colleges till November 8, 2019, and postpone the exam. Directorate of Education issued a notification in the interest of the health and safety of children.