West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee seems to have employed the tactics of the ‘enemy’, the BJP. She has chosen actor-turned-politician Shatrughan ‘Shotgun’ Sinha to contest as the Trinamool Congress (TMC) candidate in the Asansol Lok Sabha byelection, where the party has never won.
Until earlier this week, Sinha was a leader of the Bihar Congress, which more than qualifies him for the ‘outsider’ tag that Mamata has often used to criticise the BJP for.
The seat was previously held by singer-turned-politician Babul Supriyo. He had won the seat for BJP in 2014 and 2019. Supriyo joined the TMC party in September last year.
The Trinamool Congress (TMC) has nominated Supriyo Sarkar as its candidate for the Ballygunge assembly seat in West Bengal and surprisingly is now pinning hopes on Sinha to win Asansol and enter the Lok Sabha for the TMC.
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