Anushka Sharma gave a glimpse of her weekend with her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli. She shared several pictures as the couple posed for the camera. Anushka captioned the post, “We clean up well (smirking face and sparkles emojis)”.
In the first photo, Virat is seen looking lovingly at his wife while she looks at the camera with an arm around his waist. The couple are seen sitting next to each other on a black couch in the second photo.
“Uffff too hot (heart eyes, red heart, and fire emojis) @anushkasharma,” Virat wrote. In the comments area, fans showered them with affection.
“What virushka pic after so long omg beautiful,” wrote a fan. Fans called them “Hawtnesss” and “The hottest couple” “Making my jaw drop (quite a literally!!!!!” wrote a person.
Anushka recently shared a behind-the-scenes video from one of her shoots. She was seen having fun in front of the camera. Anushka will make her comeback after a break with Jhulan Goswami’s biopic Chakda Xpress.