According to the announcement of the Federal Ministry of Health on Thursday morning, India has registered 7,974 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours. The number of new infections is 14% higher than Wednesday’s figure. At the same time, the death toll rose to 4,76,478, and the death toll increased by 343.
The number of active cases has now fallen to 87,245, and the recovery rate has increased by 7,948 to 3,41,54,879, the highest level since March 2020.
After at least 12 new strains of the virus were reported across India on Wednesday, the total number of daily infections across the country includes 73 new cases of Omicron coronavirus disease.
Omicron cases have been reported in the following states-4 cases each in Maharashtra and Kerala, 2 cases in Telangana State, and 1 case each in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.
The Omicron case in India was first reported on December 2, when two people in Bangalore—a 66-year-old man and a 46-year-old man—tested positive for the variant.
As a result, state and central governments have stepped up to track and track the emergence of new variants.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times