Inspired by the special 26 film, three people who robbed the doctor’s house have been arrested. One woman is also among the accused. They were identified as Bitu (32), Surendra (35), resident of Vikas Nagar Colony, Panipat, Haryana, and Vibha (35), a resident of Narela. Police seized more than Rs 36 lakh in cash, jewelery worth five lakh, US $ 3852 and four hundred pounds from them. The accused had committed the incident by becoming a CBI officer, who had also shown fake identity cards to the victim’s family.
DCP North West District Usha Rangnani said that on March 26, the staff of Maurya Enclave Police Station reached Subhash Place Police Station, who handed over the three accused to the police. The police staff were accompanied by the complainants. The victim, Prince Aggarwal, told the police that he lives in Pithampura, a Kohat enclave. At 6 in the evening he arrived home from the clinic with his father and driver, when four people, including a woman, forcibly entered the house. He identified himself as a CBI officer and took his mobile possession. After this, they started searching, citing there was black money in the house. He took all the cash and jewelery kept at home. After which he asked driver Tilak Raj to run the clinic. When the driver was taking them to the clinic, when he reached the Maurya Enclave police station, he made a noise by looking at the police.
After this, the accused tried to run away from the car, when the police came there and got them all under control. Jewelery and cash were also recovered from them. After this, the police registered a case against the accused at Subhash Place police station and arrested them. Now in this case, his two other partners Amit and Pawan are on the lookout for the police.
The accused said during interrogation that absconding accused Amit had asked Bittu and his relative Pawan to carry out this work together. At seven in the morning, Bitu and Amit left from Panipat in a white colored car. On the way, he picked up Surendra at Bhahalgarh Chowk. After which, Virela to Narela. Vibha is knowledgeable about bitu. All these gathered at Pitampura metro station, where Pawan also reached. They had reached the doctor’s house at six in the evening after planning in a park. Bitu had described himself as CBI Inspector Virendra. Cash and jewelery were collected from the house, they were going to the clinic with the doctor’s driver, when the police caught them all. The two accused, Pawan and Amit Echo, were absconding, so both managed to escape.
News Source: Bhaskar.Com