India’s first integrated platform for payment, channel partners and investor management announced that they have launched the platform to help the real estate industry focus on its core. The platform will help real estate developers, brokers, consultants and investors by digitally integrating all important services that are difficult to manage in the real estate industry under one roof. The digital platform has been launched with 6,500 brokers.
iProp.Money will help builders expand their business to the most remote areas of the country. With just a few clicks, it can also provide a large number of services. iProp.Money provides a banking technology platform that enables real estate owners, brokers and investors to change their experience and the way they conduct real estate transactions. Channel partners and investors use the platform to improve the transparency of brokerage business, and use data insight and monetization space to create incremental revenue. Divaker Bhalla, the founder of iProp.Money, said: “One of the biggest challenges we solve with iProp.Money is to make real estate transactions between brokers, builders, and customers completely transparent and seamless.
Our platform will solve the problems faced by the real estate industry. Many problems do not require human intervention. We provide a series of services under one roof; even we have solved the challenge of signing legal agreements with electronic signatures and electronic seals. In the past, customers had to hand over their checks within a few days Nothing is known; our platform will easily implement and respond to these challenges in just three days. Clients will get his documents, brokers will get their commissions, and builders will get their share.” “We are also introducing verified investors on the platform, which will help the industry raise funds at the most affordable price. Our goal is to achieve a $200 million worth of transactions in the first quarter of launch,” he further added.
The platform will provide one-stop services, such as customer relationship management, housing loan assistance, signing of multi-part agreements using electronic signature panels, payment management through bank panels, instant unlimited virtual accounts, importing leads from real estate portals, instant KYC and Documentation, expand to thousands of free brokers, and buy now and pay later options. The platform will provide builders with virtual accounts, cooperative banks and customer logins, as well as three communication channels between builders, brokers and customers, which is expected to bring transparency to real estate transactions.