On Sunday night, a Jammu and Kashmir police officer was shot dead by suspected militants in Srinagar. This is the latest in a series of terrorist-related killings in the valley, despite strong security. According to the police, militants opened fire on 29-year-old Tausif Ahmed Wani in the SD colony near Bamalu, Srinagar. He was immediately taken to the nearby SMHS Hospital, where he died from his injuries.
“Today about 2015 hours, Srinagar police received information about terrorist crimes in the S.D Colony Batamaloo area in Srinagar. Senior police officers arrived at the terrorist crime scene,” the police said in a statement. “Preliminary investigations revealed that terrorists opened fire on a police officer.
In this terrorist incident, he (Vani) was seriously injured and was transferred to a nearby hospital for treatment, where he was martyred due to his injuries. .” Attack of the National Conference. The party said on Twitter: “Clearly condemn Srinagar Batmalu’s cowardly and vile attack on the 29-year-old policeman in which he lost his life… At this moment of grief, our hearts are with his family and friends exist.”
The incident followed a series of attacks on civilians in the valley. In October, at least 12 civilians were killed in multiple armed attacks in Kashmir, most of them migrant workers and ethnic minorities.
News Source : The Indian Express