Kangana Ranaut, an actor turned politician, has issued a new statement regarding the slapping incident that occurred at the Chandigarh airport on Thursday night. A female CISF officer slapped Kangana during the security check because of her remarks.
regarding the protests by farmers a few years prior. Following the incident, Kangana shared a video with her fans to reassure them that she was well and uninjured. The actor has since published another post regarding the event on Instagram Stories.
Kangana’s latest response
Reposting a tweet that hinted at the possibility of political motivation behind the CISF officer’s actions, Kangana stated, “This makes the most sense to me.” She patiently waited for me to step over her before silently approaching from behind and striking my face in that distinctive Khalistani manner.
She turned away from me when I asked her why, dominating the momentary attention of the public by speaking into the phone cameras trained on her (as visible in her films). Farmers laws have been overturned and are no longer a concern for anyone. This was likely her attempt to jump on the Khalistani bandwagon, which is gaining significant political clout in Punjab.
As Kangana Ranaut was travelling to Delhi for a next National Democratic Alliance (NDA) meeting, she was smacked by a CISF constable.
What is the incident’s current status?
Sensing the event, Chandigarh Superintendent of Police (Detective) KS Sandhu arrived at the airport and spoke with a CISF officer to discuss the incident involving Kangana Ranaut.
“The CISF Commandant has called, and I’m heading to the airport to conduct an inquiry.” “I’ll inform you and Commandant CISF,” KS Sandhu stated.
Nayab Singh Saini, the chief minister of Haryana, declared that the culprits would face consequences.
“An investigation is in progress, and the accused will face consequences.” That someone who works in security is implicated in this is regrettable. “Whatever occurred was incorrect,” the chief minister of Haryana declared. the event, to Ranaut inquired on social media how Punjab
“I’m secure. I’m doing great. The incident happened as part of the security inspection. A female CISF constable was waiting for me to enter the cabin after I had finished the security check. Afterwards, she approached me from the side, struck me in the face, and began to abuse me, Ranaut claimed.
“She (the CISf official) told me that she had backed the farmers’ protest when I questioned her about why she done this. How can we stop the spread of terrorism and extremism in Punjab? is the question that Kangana (the BJP leader) posed.
Her mother was one of the farmers participating in a sit-in protest against the agricultural restrictions, which have since been abolished, according to the CISF constable.
“The farmers are waiting for ₹100, according to her. Is she going to go sit there? When she made this declaration, my mother was sitting there objecting,” the woman stated.
Kangana Ranaut has made shocking claims about being slapped by a CISF officer, suggesting it was done for an ulterior motive. The actress, known for her bold statements, shared her experience on social media, alleging that the incident was not just an act of misconduct but part of a larger scheme.
She did not elaborate on the motive but emphasized that she would take necessary action to address the situation. Fans and followers have expressed mixed reactions, with some supporting her and others questioning the circumstances. The incident has sparked widespread debate online.
#KanganaRanaut #CISFIncident #BollywoodControversy #SocialMediaDebate #BoldStatements
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