Renowned Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut recently took to social media to express her joy and pride in her latest film’s success. However, her celebratory post seemed to include a playful reference to Salman Khan’s popular reality show, Bigg Boss OTT 2. In a lighthearted tone, she humorously mentioned “Sheru and Tiku’s wedding,” alluding to the ongoing season of the reality series.
Kangana Ranaut, known for her candid and unfiltered social media presence, shared her excitement about her film’s positive reception. She commended the cast and crew for their hard work and dedication, expressing gratitude to her fans for their unwavering support. In the midst of her appreciation, Ranaut playfully hinted at the ongoing buzz surrounding Bigg Boss OTT 2.
The reference to “Sheru and Tiku’s wedding” caught the attention of her followers, as it subtly referenced the current season of the popular reality show hosted by Salman Khan. This playful banter between the two Bollywood stars added an element of humor and entertainment to Ranaut’s celebratory post.
It is worth noting that Kangana Ranaut and Salman Khan have shared a history of occasional differences in opinions and public exchanges. Their playful yet subtle banter on social media often sparks curiosity and amusement among their respective fans and the media.
Ranaut’s post garnered mixed reactions from her followers. Some appreciated her wit and enjoyed the playful reference, while others interpreted it as a subtle dig at Salman Khan’s show. The social media platforms were abuzz with discussions and speculation about the underlying intent behind the comment.
Despite the light-hearted banter, Kangana Ranaut’s primary focus remained on celebrating the success of her film. She emphasized the dedication and hard work put into the project, expressing her pride in the outcome and thanking her fans for their constant support.
As the news of Kangana Ranaut’s post spread, fans of both the actress and Salman Khan eagerly anticipated the next move in their friendly social media exchange. The playful banter between the two Bollywood stars adds an extra layer of excitement and entertainment to the already bustling world of Hindi cinema.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this news article is based on Kangana Ranaut’s social media post and the subsequent reactions at the time of writing. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the official statements or endorsements of Kangana Ranaut, Salman Khan, or any related individuals or organizations.
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