Kareena Kapoor is currently filming her next film in Kalimpong, West Bengal. She ran into an old friend there and shared a photo with her, as well as photos from their 1996 Rajasthan school trip. Kareena is currently filming her OTT debut film, The Devotion of Suspect X, which is based on the book of the same name.
“Went to Kalimpong to shoot a movie left with a treasure trove our profession has a wonderful way of connecting the dots through our travels,” Kareena wrote, thanking her friend for sharing the photos with her. Rajasthan trip for the Welham Girls. Circa 1996. @dolkad, thank you for these.”
“So lovely,” Kareena’s sister Karisma Kapoor said.” “Welham’s Girls’ legendary uniform,” wrote actress Priya Malik.” “Superb picture,” one person wrote. “This is what we call a major throwback,” another person wrote.
When Kareena was 14, she attended Welham Girls’ School in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. Kareena was asked why her mother, Babita, sent her to the boarding school in an old interview with Barkha Dutt. “I was around 14-15 and I really liked this boy,” she explained. My mother was visibly upset, and as a single mother, she was adamant that it would not happen. I obviously wanted to meet this guy and go out with my friends. Mum had gone out to eat with her friends. I was able to break the lock with a knife like a real locksmith, enter the room, take the phone, make plans, and flee the house. That was how bad it was.”
Kareena added, “I think it was brilliant,” when asked about her boarding school experience. The kind of exposure, freedom, and independence I gained there helped me a lot in the film industry because you’re completely alone…you have to make your own decisions…no there’s mom and dad or anyone looking out for you.”
Kareena is currently filming The Devotion of Suspect X, a screen adaptation of one of Keigo Higashino’s most acclaimed works, in Kalimpong. Sujoy Ghosh directed the film, which has the support of film producers Jay Shewakramani, Akshai Puri, and Thomas Kim. Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Varma will also appear in the film.